This is an older version of the script

click here for the latest version which quits on logout

In Eudora, and some other email clients, accounts can be set to automatically check for new mail on a per account custom interval. Apple Mail has only a global automatic check setting, on only a limited number of intervals. I have several accounts, some of which are not urgent, some of which get a lot of spam, and some which I'd like to check often, without have to wait for all others to check, and some of which I use only for sending, so I don't want to check them at all.

This is a feature I really missed from other email clients like Eudora. To try to duplicate this behavior, I set Mail to Manual checks and created an AppleScript to check accounts at arbitrary intervals. First I ran the following script to get a list of all accounts with an integer for each, formatted in a readable way.
--get list of accounts to assign to theAccountList variable
tell application "Mail"
	set theAccountList to "set theAccountList to ¬" & return & "{¬" & return as string
	set theAccounts to accounts
	set theAccountCount to count of theAccounts
	set theSeperator to ","
	set theCount to 0
	repeat with eachAccount in theAccounts
		set theCount to theCount + 1
		if theCount = theAccountCount then
			set theSeperator to ""
		end if
		set theString to name of eachAccount as string
		set theLine to "{account \"" & theString & "\" of application \"Mail\", 0 }" & theSeperator & " ¬"
		set theAccountList to theAccountList & theLine & return
	end repeat
	set theAccountList to theAccountList & "}" & return
	display dialog "Account List:" default answer theAccountList
end tell
(* Paste the result from the above script into the following script and set minute intervals for accounts (with 0 to indicate no check). This script can be saved as an application and run as long as you want to check. It can also be added to the Mail script folder (~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Mail), though it has no facility for stopping if you run it from the script menu. *)
tell application "Mail"
	set theMinimumInterval to 0
	--paste result of previous script here and set intervals
set theAccountList to ¬
{account "work" of application "Mail", 5}, ¬
{account "personal" of application "Mail", 20}, ¬
{account "spamtrap" of application "Mail", 180}, ¬
{account "sending-account" of application "Mail", 0} ¬
	--end paste area
	set theCount to 0
	repeat with eachAccount in theAccountList
		set theInterval to item 2 of eachAccount
		if theInterval ≠ 0 then
			set theCount to theCount + 1
			if (theCount > 1) then
				set theMinimumInterval to my gcd(theInterval, theMinimumInterval)
				set theMinimumInterval to (theInterval as integer)
			end if
		end if
	end repeat
	if theMinimumInterval = 0 then
		display dialog "No accounts have been set to check (values greater than 0)."
	end if
	set theMinuteCount to 0
		delay (theMinimumInterval * 60)
		set theMinuteCount to theMinuteCount + theMinimumInterval
		repeat with eachAccount in theAccountList
			set theAccount to item 1 of eachAccount
			set theInterval to item 2 of eachAccount
			if theInterval ≠ 0 then
				set theMod to theMinuteCount mod theInterval
				if (theMod = 0) then
					check for new mail for theAccount
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell
on gcd(a, b)
	repeat until b = 0
		set x to b
		set b to a mod b
		set a to x
	end repeat
	return a
end gcd
-- applescript page