warning! use this script at your own risk. i worked on it just enough to get it to do what i needed and never got around to testing it much, so it might not work for you. and it's not very elegant, kind of simpleton brute force in approach. in fact, i could only get it to work in OS X (10.2 in fact). it seemed to work in OS9, but it didn't actually get all of the email from the filing cabinet, but i don't know why (it got a slightly different number of emails each time i ran it on the same filing cabinet).
in osx, i got it to work on filing cabinets from AOL 4 and AOL 5. After that, they changed their format.
the file it produces is a text file (i think it's close to mbox format, but i've never checked actual specs) which you can read in textedit, or bbedit, or whatever, and you should be able to import it into various email applications. I have only actually tried it on Eudora, so if necessary, you could download Eudora for free, then maybe export from it to something else, if you so require.

here are my notes on the america online filing cabinet format (probably not much use)


global filePath
global totalCount
global theAuthorOwner
global theKind
global emailStartPattern1
set totalCount to 0
set sampleReadLength to 3000
set startSample to 0
--set startSample to 80000
--set rPointer to startSample
--set theAuthorOwner to "me@aol.com"
set theAuthorOwner to ""

set authorQuery to "Enter the email address of the owner of the Filing Cabinet. For example: tom@aol.com
This address will be the 'To:' address for incoming email, and the 'From:' address of sent mail"
	set theAnswer to text returned of (display dialog authorQuery default answer theAuthorOwner)
	if theAnswer = theAuthorOwner and theAuthorOwner ≠ "" then
		exit repeat
	else if theAnswer = "" then
		set authorQuery to "Please enter the email address of the owner of the Filing Cabinet, e.g. dick@aol.com"
		set theAuthorOwner to theAnswer
		set authorQuery to "Are you certain that '" & theAnswer & "' is the email address you wish to use as Author of Sent mail and Destination of Incoming Saved Mail?"
		if ((offset of "@" in theAnswer) = 0) then
			set authorQuery to authorQuery & return & "I recommend using a standard internet email address with '@' and the domain name, such as harry@aol.com"
		end if
	end if
end repeat
set theKind to button returned of (display dialog "Which kind of email to look for?" buttons {"Cancel", "Sent", "Incoming"} default button 3)
if theKind = "Incoming" then
	set emailStartPattern1 to (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0)
	set emailStartPattern2 to (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 4) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0)
	--adding a null to the end of the emailStartPattern2 above assumes subject limit of 255 char, but gets rid of false positives
	set emailStartPattern to emailStartPattern1 & emailStartPattern2 as string
else if theKind = "Sent" then
	set emailStartPattern1 to (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 1)
	set emailStartPattern2 to (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 4) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0)
	--adding a null to the end of the emailStartPattern2 above assumes subject limit of 255 char, but gets rid of false positives
	set emailStartPattern to emailStartPattern1 & emailStartPattern2 as string
end if
set badPattern to (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 1) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 4) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0)
set staticFolderName to "Receptacle"
--set thisUserName to do shell script "whoami"

set filePathread to choose file with prompt "Select the file cabinet to munge:"

set filePath to choose file name with prompt "Where to save the text formatted email?"
--set filePath to staticFolderPath & "email.txt" as string

set gotOne to false
set myFileReference to open for access filePathread

		repeat until gotOne
			set sampleRead to read myFileReference from startSample for sampleReadLength
			--set rPointer to rPointer + sampleReadLength
			set sampleReadTest to my list_proc(sampleRead, emailStartPattern, "", "")
			--display dialog sampleReadTest as string
			if (number of items in sampleReadTest) > 1 then
				set gotOne to true
				set startDiff to number of characters of item 1 of sampleReadTest
				set startSample to startSample + startDiff
				--display dialog startSample as string
				set startSample to startSample + sampleReadLength - 10
			end if
			-- back it off ten bytes in case a read chopped a pattern in two
		end repeat
		set gotOne to false
		set emailReadSize to my readEmail(myFileReference, startSample)
		set startSample to startSample + emailReadSize
	on error errText number errNum
		if errNum = -39 then
			display dialog "Read to end of file. " & totalCount & " emails read and written." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
			close access myFileReference
		end if
		display dialog errText & " | error num:" & errNum buttons {"OK"} default button 1
		close access myFileReference
	end try
end repeat

on readEmail(myFileReference, startRead)
	set valList to {}
	set attachName to ""
	set attachNameSent to ""
	set separator to "" -- for attachNameSent
	set emailReadSize to 0
	--set myFileReference to open for access filePathread
	set newRead to read myFileReference from startRead for 4 --as data
	set emailReadSize to emailReadSize + 4
	if newRead ≠ emailStartPattern1 then
		return -7
		--this is not a very good fix
	end if
	--set theReport to (ASCII number of text 1 through 1 of newRead) & ":" & (ASCII number of text 2 through 2 of newRead) & ":" & (ASCII number of text 3 through 3 of newRead) & ":" & (ASCII number of text 4 through 4 of newRead) as string
	--display dialog theReport
	if newRead = (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0) & (ASCII character 0) then
		--say "nulls"
	end if
	--set theSize to get eof of myFileReference
			set newRead to read myFileReference for 4
			set emailReadSize to emailReadSize + 4
			set readTag to ASCII number of character 2 of newRead
			set valList to valList & readTag as list
			set newReadlen to read myFileReference for 2
			set emailReadSize to emailReadSize + 2
			set readLenDec to ((ASCII number of character 1 of newReadlen) * 256) + (ASCII number of character 2 of newReadlen)
			set valueRead to read myFileReference for readLenDec
			set emailReadSize to emailReadSize + readLenDec
			set valList to valList & valueRead as list
			if readTag = 10 then
				set readStop to false
				set messageBody to ""
				set bigText to valueRead
				repeat until readStop
					set messagebegin to my list_proc(bigText, ",", "", 1)
					set messagebeginlength to number of characters of messagebegin
					set messageLength to my list_proc(messagebegin, ASCII character 0, "", -1)
					set messageLengthDec to my numconvert(messageLength, "ascii2hex")
					set messageEnd to (messagebeginlength + 1 + messageLengthDec)
					set messageBody to messageBody & (text (messagebeginlength + 2) through messageEnd of bigText) as string
					set theMultTest to text (messageEnd + 1) through (messageEnd + 22) of bigText
					set theMultTest1 to ASCII number of (text -1 through -1 of theMultTest)
					set bigText to text (messageEnd) through -1 of bigText
					if theMultTest1 ≠ 0 then
						set readStop to true
					end if
					--display dialog theMultTest & " | " & theMultTest1 as string
				end repeat
				exit repeat
				--error "got 10, done reading"
				--display dialog messageLengthDec & ": " & messageBody as string
			else if readTag = 12 then
				--attachment in incoming email, assuming only one?
				set messageLength to my numconvert((text 13 through 13 of valueRead as string), "asciinum2hex")
				set attachFileName to text 14 through (13 + messageLength) of valueRead as string
				set attachName to "Attachment converted: " & attachFileName & return & return as string
				--display dialog attachName
			else if readTag = 13 then
				--attachment in sent mail, can be more than one
				set messageLength to my numconvert((text 7 through 7 of valueRead as string), "asciinum2hex")
				set attachFileName to text 8 through (7 + messageLength) of valueRead as string
				--display dialog attachFileName
				set attachNameSent to attachNameSent & separator & ":" & attachFileName & ":" as string
				set separator to space as string
			else if readTag = 4 and (offset of (ASCII character 0) in valueRead) ≠ 0 then
				--display dialog "got nil" & valueRead
				return 8
			end if
			--display dialog (readTag & " (" & readLenDec & ")  = " & valueRead) as string
		on error errText number errNum
			display dialog errText buttons {"OK"} default button 1
			set valItemNum to (number of items of valList) / 2
			close access myFileReference
			display dialog (valItemNum & " items read") as string
			exit repeat
		end try
	end repeat
	set valItemNum to (number of items of valList) / 2
	repeat with z from 1 to (2 * valItemNum) by 2
		if item z of valList = 4 then
			set theSubject to item (z + 1) of valList
		end if
		if item z of valList = 5 then
			set theAuthor to item (z + 1) of valList
		end if
		if item z of valList = 6 then
			set secVal to my numconvert((item (z + 1) of valList), "asciinum2hex")
			set theDate to (date "Friday, January 1, 1904 12:00:00") + (secVal / 60) * minutes
		end if
		if item z of valList = 9 then
			set sendDestination to item (z + 1) of valList
			--for some reason, the destination leads with a null?
			set sendDestination to (my list_proc(sendDestination, ASCII character 0, "", "")) as string
		end if
	end repeat
	set theBody to messageBody
	if theKind = "Sent" then
		set theAuthor to theAuthorOwner
	end if
	set theHeader to ""
	if theKind = "Incoming" then
		set theBodyList to my list_proc(theBody, return, "", "") as list
		if theBodyList contains "----------------------- Headers --------------------------------" then
			set theListCount to the number of items in theBodyList
			--	display dialog theListCount
			set theHeaderList to {}
			--	display dialog item 1 of theBodyList
			set headGo to true
			repeat with m from theListCount to 1 by -1
				if headGo then
					if item m of theBodyList ≠ "----------------------- Headers --------------------------------" then
						set theHeaderList to {(item m of theBodyList)} & theHeaderList as list
						set bodyEnd to m - 1
						set m to 2
						set headGo to false
					end if
				end if
			end repeat
			--display dialog theHeaderList
			set theBodyListUse to items 1 through bodyEnd of theBodyList
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
			set theBody to the theBodyListUse as string
			set theHeader to the theHeaderList as string
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
		end if
	end if
	--display dialog theAuthor & " " & theDate
	--display dialog theBody
	set theDay to the day of theDate as string
	if the number of characters of theDay < 2 then
		set theDay to "0" & theDay as string
	end if
	set theDayofWeek to the weekday of theDate
	set theDayofWeek3 to text 1 through 3 of (theDayofWeek as string)
	set theYear to the year of theDate
	set theMonth to the month of theDate
	set theMonth3 to text 1 through 3 of (theMonth as string)
	set theDateString to the date string of theDate
	set theTimeString to the time string of theDate
	if (offset of ":" in theTimeString) ≠ 3 then
		set theTimeString to "0" & theTimeString
	end if
	set theFromBegin to "From ???@??? " & theDayofWeek3 & " " & theMonth3 & " " & theDay & " " & theTimeString & " " & theYear as string
	if theHeader = "" then
		if (offset of "@" in theAuthor) = 0 then
			set theAuthor to theAuthor & "@aol.com" as string
		end if
		set theFromLine to "From: " & theAuthor as string
		if theKind = "Incoming" then
			set theDateLine to "Date: " & theDayofWeek3 & ", " & theDay & " " & theMonth3 & " " & theYear & " " & theTimeString & " -0500" as string
			set theReturnPath to "Return-Path: <" & theAuthor & ">" & return as string
			set sendDestination to theAuthorOwner
			set theBody to return & theBody & return as string
		else if theKind = "Sent" then
			set theDateLine to ""
			set theReturnPath to ""
			if (offset of "@" in sendDestination) = 0 then
				set sendDestination to sendDestination & "@aol.com" as string
			end if
			set theBody to theBody & return as string
		end if
		set theToLine to "To: " & sendDestination as string
		set theSubjectLine to "Subject: " & theSubject as string
		if theKind = "Incoming" then
			set toFrom to theFromLine & return & theToLine & return
			set sentTags to ""
		else if theKind = "Sent" then
			set toFrom to theToLine & return & theFromLine & return
			set sentTags to return & "Cc: " & return & "Bcc: " & return & "X-Attachments: " & attachNameSent & return
		end if
		set theHeader to theReturnPath & toFrom & theSubjectLine & sentTags & return & theDateLine
	end if
	--display dialog theFromBegin & return & theReturnPath & return & theFromLine & return & theDateLine
	set theWrite to theFromBegin & return & theHeader & return & theBody & return & attachName as string
	writeIt(theWrite) of me
	set totalCount to totalCount + 1
	return emailReadSize
end readEmail

--display dialog theAuthor & " | " & theDate & " | " & theSubject
--display dialog theBody
--	close access myFileReference
--display dialog valueRead

on list_proc(searchList, search_string, replace_string, item_return)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
	set searchListlist to every text item of searchList
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replace_string
	set searchList to the searchListlist as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
	if replace_string = "" then
		if item_return ≠ "" then
			return item item_return of searchListlist
		end if
		return searchListlist
		return searchList
	end if
end list_proc

on numconvert(num, convtype)
	set total to 0
	if convtype = "ascii2hex" then
		set numBase to 16
	else if convtype = "asciinum2hex" then
		set numBase to 256
	end if
	set numNum to the number of characters of num
	set digitCount to 0
	repeat with i from numNum to 1 by -1
		set aChar to character i of num
		if convtype = "ascii2hex" then
				set aChar to aChar as integer
			on error
				set aChar to (ASCII number aChar) - 55
			end try
		else if convtype = "asciinum2hex" then
			set aChar to ASCII number of aChar
		end if
		set aChar to aChar * (numBase ^ digitCount)
		set total to total + aChar
		set digitCount to digitCount + 1
	end repeat
	return total
end numconvert

on writeIt(theWrite)
	--set theHTMLalias to staticFolderPath & fileName as string
	set myFileReference to open for access filePath with write permission
	set theSize to get eof of myFileReference
	write theWrite to myFileReference starting at (theSize + 1)
	close access myFileReference
	set filePathType to class of filePath
	if filePathType ≠ alias then
		set filePath to alias filePath
	end if
end writeIt

-- applescript page