The Izaak Walton, Daniel Boone, Rip van Winkle; Fishing, Hunting and Resting Club
in the North Woods of Wisconsin
The Shack, circa 1992, photo thanks to Uncle John. Birch wood cut and stacked courtesy Carl Donovan and Paul Loomis.
This is the woodstove in the sleeping area, which had four World War I era surplus bunkbeds. The stove was hard to control sometimes and would glow red hot if you put too much wood in and didn't shut the flue in time. That was scary.
Grandad with a Price County martini (mid to late 1980s?). A Price County martini is a martini made with freshly harvested icicles from the eaves of the cabin.
The outhouse was fifty yards down the path. Way too far on a sub zero night.
A view of the cabin with the outhouse in its new location after some teenagers vandalized it by kicking it over at its old location (it was a bit rotten on the bottom).
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