(* Earthlink enables importing of addressbook values in .csv (comma separated value) format, but it seems to be somewhat picky about the format and a header line with the correct values is required. It seems to deal with mac, windows or unix linebreaks and doesn't seem to care if all values have quotes around them.
The simplest useful format seems to be:
"First Name", "Last Name", "Middle Name", "Name", "Nickname", "E-mail Address", "E-mail 2 Address", "E-mail 3 Address"
the "Name" field shows up as "Display Name"

Earthlink has some information on importing csv data to the web mail address book here.

If you want to see an example .csv file, you can go to your Earthlink Web Mail Preferences, click on the Addressbook section, and then you can export your current Addressbook and examine the format. Not everything is exported though, for example "Title". It will import if added to a .csv, but it doesn't export.

The csv file must have an additional linebreak at the end after the last entry, or the last entry will be ignored.
Also, if phone numbers are included, the importer seems to put the business phone entry into the "Home Fax", "Mobile Phone", "Business Phone", "Business Fax", "Pager" if there is a value in those fields instead of the actual value that's in those fields.

I created an applescript to export data from the Mac OS X Address Book to a compatible .csv file for uploading to the Earthlink Webmail. Also, a simpler version of the applescript exports only names and email addresses. *)
Earthlink requires a return at the bottom of the csv or it ignores last record
office phone, cell phone, pager, and fax all seem to be filled by business phone


set theValues to {"Title", "First Name", "Last Name", "Middle Name", "Name", "Nickname", "E-mail Address", "E-mail 2 Address", "E-mail 3 Address", "Home Phone", "Home Fax", "Mobile Phone", "Business Phone", "Business Fax", "Pager", "Other Phone", "Home Street", "Home City", "Home Postal Code", "Home State", "Home Country/Region", "Business Street", "Business City", "Business Postal Code", "Business State", "Business Country/Region"}
set theLine to my list2string(theValues)
set theData to theLine
set theResult to button returned of (display dialog "Include all records in Address Book, or only records with E-mail addresses?" buttons {"Cancel", "Only with E-mails", "All records"} default button 3)
tell application "Address Book"
	set thePeople to every person
	--set thePeople to people 1 through 3
	set theCount to 0
	repeat with eachPerson in thePeople
		set theEmails to emails of eachPerson
		set c to count theEmails
		if theResult = "All records" or c > 0 then
			set theTitle to title of eachPerson
			set theTitle to my setValue(theTitle)
			--0 Title
			set theValues to {theTitle}
			set theNameFirst to first name of eachPerson
			set theNameFirst to my setValue(theNameFirst)
			--1 First Name
			set theValues to theValues & {theNameFirst}
			set theNameLast to last name of eachPerson
			set theNameLast to my setValue(theNameLast)
			--2 Last Name
			set theValues to theValues & {theNameLast}
			set theNameMiddle to middle name of eachPerson
			set theNameMiddle to my setValue(theNameMiddle)
			--3 Middle Name
			set theValues to theValues & {theNameMiddle}
			--4 Name (Display Name)
			set theName to name of eachPerson
			set theName to my setValue(theName)
			set theValues to theValues & {theName}
			--5 Nickname
			set theNameNick to nickname of eachPerson
			set theNameNick to my setValue(theNameNick)
			set theValues to theValues & {theNameNick}
			set theEmails to emails of eachPerson
			set c to count theEmails
			--6,7,8 E-mail Address (1 through 3)
			repeat with x from 1 to 3
				if (c ≥ x) then
					--return value of item x of theEmails
					set theValues to theValues & {my setValue(value of item x of theEmails as string)}
					set theValues to theValues & {""}
				end if
			end repeat
			--"Home Phone","Home Fax","Mobile Phone","Business Phone","Business Fax","Pager","Other Phone"
			set thePhoneEquivList to {"home", "home fax", "mobile", "work", "work fax", "pager", "other"}
			set thePhoneList to {"", "", "", "", "", "", ""}
			set thePhones to phones of eachPerson
			set c to count thePhones
			set theExtraPhones to {}
			repeat with x from 1 to c
				set theLabel to label of item x of thePhones
				set theValue to value of item x of thePhones
				if theLabel is in thePhoneEquivList then
					repeat with i from 1 to count of thePhoneEquivList
						if item i of thePhoneEquivList = theLabel then
							set item i of thePhoneList to my setValue(theValue)
							exit repeat
						end if
					end repeat
					set theExtraPhones to theExtraPhones & (theValue & " " & theLabel as string)
				end if
				--return properties of item x of thePhones					
			end repeat
			repeat with eachPhone in theExtraPhones
				repeat with y from (count thePhoneList) to 1 by -1
					if item y of thePhoneList = "" then
						set item y of thePhoneList to my setValue(eachPhone)
						exit repeat
					end if
				end repeat
			end repeat
			set theValues to theValues & thePhoneList
			--"Home Street","Home City","Home Postal Code","Home State","Home Country/Region"
			set theHomeAddresses to {"", "", "", "", ""}
			set theBusinessAdresses to {"", "", "", "", ""}
			set theAddressEquivList to {"street", "city", "zip", "state", "country"}
			set theaddresses to addresses of eachPerson
			set c to count theaddresses
			set theExtraaddresses to {}
			repeat with x from 1 to c
				if theCount = 1 then
					return properties of item x of theaddresses
				end if
				set theLabel to label of item x of theaddresses
				if theLabel = "home" then
					set item 1 of theHomeAddresses to my setValue(street of item x of theaddresses)
					set item 2 of theHomeAddresses to my setValue(city of item x of theaddresses)
					set item 3 of theHomeAddresses to my setValue(zip of item x of theaddresses)
					set item 4 of theHomeAddresses to my setValue(state of item x of theaddresses)
					set item 5 of theHomeAddresses to my setValue(country of item x of theaddresses)
				else if theLabel = "work" then
					set item 1 of theBusinessAdresses to my setValue(street of item x of theaddresses)
					set item 2 of theBusinessAdresses to my setValue(city of item x of theaddresses)
					set item 3 of theBusinessAdresses to my setValue(zip of item x of theaddresses)
					set item 4 of theBusinessAdresses to my setValue(state of item x of theaddresses)
					set item 5 of theBusinessAdresses to my setValue(country of item x of theaddresses)
				end if
			end repeat
			set theValues to theValues & theHomeAddresses & theBusinessAdresses
			set theLine to my list2string(theValues)
			set theData to theData & return & theLine
			set theCount to theCount + 1
		end if
	end repeat
end tell
set theData to theData & return

set theCSVfile to choose file name with prompt "Save the exported data:" default name "AddressBook.csv" default location (get path to desktop folder from user domain)
set myFileReference to open for access theCSVfile with write permission
set eof of myFileReference to 0
write theData to myFileReference
close access myFileReference
say "Wrote " & theCount & " address records" as string
on list2string(theList)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\",\""
	set theLine to theList as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
	set theLine to "\"" & theLine & "\"" as string
	return theLine
end list2string
on setValue(theItem)
	if theItem = missing value then
		set theItem to ""
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the "\""
		set searchListlist to every text item of theItem
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\"\""
		set theItem to the searchListlist as string
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the return
		set searchListlist to every text item of theItem
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ", "
		set theItem to the searchListlist as string
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
	end if
	return theItem
end setValue

-- simpler version of the applescript exports only names and email addresses

-- applescript page

Earthlink's page says these fields can be imported:

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
E-mail Address
E-mail 2 Address
E-mail 3 Address
Business Street
Business Street 2
Business Street 3
Business City
Business State
Business Postal Code
Business Country
Home Street
Home Street 2
Home Street 3
Home City
Home State
Home Postal Code
Home Country
Other Street
Other Street 2
Other Street 3
Other City
Other State
Other Postal Code
Other Country
Job Title
Assistant's Phone
Business Fax
Business Phone
Business Phone 2
Car Phone
Company Main Phone
Home Fax
Home Phone
Home Phone 2
Mobile Phone
Other Fax
Other Phone
Primary Phone
Radio Phone
Assistant's Name
Manager's Name
Address PO Box
Web Page
Personal Web Page