This simpler version of the applescript exports only names and email addresses. The one on this page exports phone numbers and addresses too. *)
Earthlink requires a return at the bottom of the csv or it ignores last record
set theValues to {"Title", "First Name", "Last Name", "Middle Name", "Name", "Nickname", "E-mail Address", "E-mail 2 Address", "E-mail 3 Address"}
set theLine to my list2string(theValues)
set theData to theLine
set theResult to button returned of (display dialog "Include all records in Address Book, or only records with E-mail addresses?" buttons {"Cancel", "Only with E-mails", "All records"} default button 3)
tell application "Address Book"
set thePeople to every person
set thePeople to people 1 through 3
set theCount to 0
repeat with eachPerson in thePeople
set theEmails to emails of eachPerson
set c to count theEmails
if theResult = "All records" or c > 0 then
set theTitle to title of eachPerson
set theTitle to my setValue(theTitle)
--0 Title
set theValues to {theTitle}
set theNameFirst to first name of eachPerson
set theNameFirst to my setValue(theNameFirst)
--1 First Name
set theValues to theValues & {theNameFirst}
set theNameLast to last name of eachPerson
set theNameLast to my setValue(theNameLast)
--2 Last Name
set theValues to theValues & {theNameLast}
set theNameMiddle to middle name of eachPerson
set theNameMiddle to my setValue(theNameMiddle)
--3 Middle Name
set theValues to theValues & {theNameMiddle}
--4 Name (Display Name)
set theName to name of eachPerson
set theName to my setValue(theName)
set theValues to theValues & {theName}
--5 Nickname
set theNameNick to nickname of eachPerson
set theNameNick to my setValue(theNameNick)
set theValues to theValues & {theNameNick}
set theEmails to emails of eachPerson
set c to count theEmails
--6,7,8 E-mail Address (1 through 3)
repeat with x from 1 to 3
if (c ≥ x) then
--return value of item x of theEmails
set theValues to theValues & {my setValue(value of item x of theEmails as string)}
set theValues to theValues & {""}
end if
end repeat
set theLine to my list2string(theValues)
set theData to theData & return & theLine
set theCount to theCount + 1
end if
end repeat
end tell
set theData to theData & return
set theCSVfile to choose file name with prompt "Save the exported data:" default name "AddressBook.csv" default location (get path to desktop folder from user domain)
set myFileReference to open for access theCSVfile with write permission
set eof of myFileReference to 0
write theData to myFileReference
close access myFileReference
say "Wrote " & theCount & " address records" as string
on list2string(theList)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\",\""
set theLine to theList as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set theLine to "\"" & theLine & "\"" as string
return theLine
end list2string
on setValue(theItem)
if theItem = missing value then
set theItem to ""
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the "\""
set searchListlist to every text item of theItem
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\"\""
set theItem to the searchListlist as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
end if
return theItem
end setValue
-- more export information, and script that exports names, addresses, phones, emails
-- applescript page