This article appeared in the Racine Journal-Times page 4A, Tuesday, November 25, 1969
Tattered American flag of LCI 1074 displayed in December 1969 in courtroom of Judge R. G. Harvey
—Journal-Times Photo by Chuck D’Acquisto
LCI 1074 under the command of Richard G Harvey

So Proudly She Hails

SO PROUDLY SHE HAILS — The tattered flag in the courtroom of County Judge Richard G. Harvey once waved continuously day and night from the mast of the LCI (Landing Craft Infantry) which Harvey commanded as a Navy lieutenant in the Pacific theater in World War II. Harvey, above, with court reporter Jane Sikes, considers the flag “a treasured relic” of World War II days, and displays it in the courtroom because he “wants people to see a scarred and ragged flag to remind them of the struggles and sacrifices made for them and the blood spilled in their behalf during the last 200 years.” Harvey said he plans to let the flag remain on display through December’s Vietnam moratorium and anti-war demonstrations: as a “memento of the days when attitudes were different.” Left, the flag is shown in its better days on the mast of Harvey’s LCI, which he said was in the Pacific Theater in 1944-45 and saw service in Borneo, New Guinea and the Philippines.

My grandmother had saved this article, and on the back, there were these articles about the Vietnam conflict, among other things, which read with disturbing familiarity.
